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Heading 1

55px , 68 lineheight, Semibold, letterspacing -25, Josefin Sans

Heading 2

40px , 52 lineheight, Semibold, letterspacing -25 , Josefin Sans

Heading 3

36px , 42 lineheight, Semibold, letterspacing – 25 Josefin Sans

Heading 4

30px , 36 lineheight, Semibold, letterspacing -25

Josefin Sans

Heading 5

26px , 32 lineheight, Semibold, letterspacing -25

Josefin Sans

Heading 6

20px , 26 lineheight, Semibold, letterspacing 0

Josefin Sans


16px , 30 lineheight, Regular, Montserrat